Turbo-V 2300 TwisTorr
Turbo Pumps
The Agilent 2000 L/s turbo pump, Turbo-V 2300, offers the highest pumping speeds in its category for Nitrogen (N2).
Utilizing leading-edge Twistorr technology, this large turbo pump achieves the highest compression ratios for light gases among commercially available turbomolecular pumps. Due to high foreline pressure tolerance, the pump can be backed by a smaller, cost-effective dry scroll pump like the Agilent TriScroll600.
This large turbo pump is designed for scientific and research applications, where high pumping speed for N2 is important.
The TwisTorr Turbo-V 2300 is operated with a dedicated full display rack controller.
Key features
- The Turbo-V 2300 solution comprises a stand-alone pump and rack-type display controller unit
- Advanced rotor design in combination with TwisTorr technology reduces the number of pumping stage
- Our unique monolithic rotor reduces material stress and improves assembly tolerances
- Electrical motor reduces start-up time and improves pump stability under changing gas load conditions
- Higher vacuum performance with lower heat dissipation
- Advanced water cooling system
- Optimized air cooling system
- Clean maintenance-free vacuum
- Utilizes Agilent’s A-PLUS software (formerly T-plus)